70-20-10: still relevant in today’s digital world?

Traditional 70/20/10 learning has been explained so far taking into account the following principles:

70% on the job training – learning and developing through day to today tasks, challenges and practice at work.

20% learning from others – learning and developing with and through others at work.

10% formal/education – learning and developing through structured courses and programs.

The current learning landscape is very different from all previous ones. The way of living and thinking new generations implies new requirements with new methods, essential to permit internalization of concepts and immediate impact on their performance at work or outside work. The remaining generations are in the process of adapting to this new landscape as well. We are all in the same playground…

In my experience, the 70/20/10 scheme is moving to the 45/45/10 scheme as an average, depending on the generation we are talking about. (Please see the 70-20-10 forum for more details, and more important than that, to create your own view about it in the following link https://www.702010forum.com. You, manager or HR professional, can find many interesting toolkits in this site).

I suggest the following breakdown:

45% Experiential/Experience – learning and developing through day to today tasks, challenges and practice.

45% Social/Exposure – learning and developing with and through others from coaching, exploiting personal networks and other collaborative and co-operative actions.

10% Formal/Education – learning and developing through structured courses and programs.

There is an interesting article done by Jane Brotchie In the following link.


that I found in the website https://www.pluralsight.com specialized among other things in e- learning. You can download the last version of the pdf document here.

Although all the content is relevant, please have a look at the last part related to the roles of Project Leaders, Managers and Individual Contributors. It’s very relevant and applicable for any kind of organization.

Taking into account the exponential transformation we are involved in this 45/45/10 will be in permanent transformation and will depend very much on the field, the learner, the technological evolution…. There are no fixe rules in our landscape anymore in any topic. Flexibility to change in organizations and people are the most important strengths today. And moving forward? We will see…..

Regards. Jesus.

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